DIB Dance (Dancing Into Bliss)

Preparation for DIB
30 to 90 minutes


For the gatherings you will be guided to do a little bit of stretching, rotational movement and "Playful Discoveries of Expressions" (Movement and Voice).


For the retreats you will be guided and we will have time to integrate "Yoga into Unwinding", "Playful Discoveries of Expressions" (Movement and Voice), "Emotional Body Movement" and your "Inner Flow" into "Authentic Expression".

Dancing into Bliss
60 to 120 minutes
DIB Dance begins with laying down and closing your eyes, so that we let movement emerge naturally from stillness. As the music continues, it will be up to you, whether you want to stay lying, roll around, stretch, become an animal or an alien or simply stand up and dance. You can be free.  There are some guidelines.
no talking
no shoes
phones are off
honor yourself and others
no judgement
dance for yourself
ask permission with your eyes to dance with someone

Music Genre:
Many!  Have no expectations.  Music that you may not like can offer you the opportunity to let frustation go :)  In general music selections are chosen to make you go into certain moods and of course to go wild and free yourself! :D